Method of perceiving through meditation
Method of perceiving through meditation

Like all inquiries, this one has an answer—this, too, shall pass.
The traditional methods of meditation are drastically different from this one. In reality, this method is a reflection exercise that encourages you to reflect on your life. This method is most suited for adults (i.e., those 18 and over), though anyone can give it a go. Reason being, looking back on one's life is something that can only be done by people who have lived it for a particular amount of time. It may be difficult, if not impossible, for very young people who are just starting out in life to take a step back and examine their lives through the lens that this meditation requires. However, this method of meditation is highly beneficial for discovering our authentic selves.
Before anything else, read this story:
There was once a monarch who gathered all of his wise men together and asked,
Is there a universally applicable phrase or piece of advice that applies regardless of context, location, or time? Something I can use in the event that you are all unavailable to give me advice. Can you tell me whether there is a mantra?
The question posed by the king perplexed all of the wise men. Who needs multiple answers when you have one? A magic formula that always turns out well? Through all the highs and lows, the wins and the losses? Over and over, they pondered. Following much deliberation, an elderly gentleman proposed an idea that satisfies everyone. They conveyed a written message to the king. On the other hand, the king couldn't just go and look at it for fun. The only time the King will have to see it is when he is in grave peril, all by himself, and there appears to be no way out. Under his diamond ring, the king placed the papers.
The Kingdom is attacked by its neighbors after a few days. An unexpected and coordinated assault by King's adversaries occurred. The courageous King and his troops were ultimately defeated. The king was forced to flee on horseback. His pursuers were closing in on him. He rode far into the jungle on his trusty horse. The sound of numerous horse regiments closing in on him grew louder and louder. Out of nowhere, the King found himself at the road's end; the path was dead end. A thousand feet down, there lay a stony valley. His life would be over if he dove headfirst into it...and he was unable to turn around due to the narrow road...The sound of the enemy's horses was quickly approaching from behind. The king grew agitated. The path appeared to be nonexistent.
Then, out of nowhere, the diamond in his ring gleamed in the sunlight, and the secret message within the ring came flooding back to him. Upon opening the diamond, he saw a note. Though brief, the message was profound.
Someone said, "This too will pass."
It was read by the King. Read it once more. A realization dawns on him all of a sudden: Yes! This, too, will pass. I was basking in the glory of my kingdom not long ago. Among the kings, I was the most powerful. But the kingdom and his pleasure have departed today. Attempting to evade pursuers, I find myself here. But just as those carefree days will come to an end, so will this day of peril. He seemed serene. He remained still. The scene before him was a breathtaking display of nature's splendor. That such a picturesque location was also a part of his realm was news to him. He was profoundly affected by the message's revelation. He let himself relax and lost track of the others trailing behind. It took him a few minutes to figure out that the sound of the approaching enemy and horses was dying down. They veered off that trail and into another section of the mountains.
Bravery characterized the King. After reorganizing his force, he resumed fighting. The enemy was vanquished and his empire was reclaimed by him. There was a lot of fanfare waiting for him at the threshold of his dominion when he returned from triumph. The triumph was met with joy across the entire metropolis. It was a joyous occasion for all. From every home and corner, flowers were being thrown at King. The crowd was humming and dancing. "I am one of the bravest and greatest kings," the king thought to himself for a brief period. To win against me is no simple task. ; An inflated sense of self-importance surfaced amid the festivities.
He was suddenly reminded of the message when the diamond on his ring shone in the sunlight. "This too will pass" it said, and he opened it and read it again.
His voice trailed off. An expression of complete humility replaced his former egotism on his face.
You are not the rightful owner of this if it will also pass.
You did not deserve either the loss or the win.
You merely observe. Time slips away from us all
Look, we've seen it all. The perceiver is us. Moments in life pass. Moments of joy are fleeting. Grief is transitory.
Just sit quietly and think about your own life now that you've read this narrative. Nothing lasts forever. Reflect on the times when you felt delight and achieved success. Imagine yourself in that state of grief and loss. Do they last forever? Death is a natural part of life. Time flies.
Friends existed in the past. They are no longer there.
Friends are around today. Likewise, they will depart.
Tomorrow, you will meet new friends. Likewise, they will depart.
In the past, there were adversaries. That was them.
There might be an adversary right now. Likewise, they will depart.
Tomorrow, new foes will emerge, and they, too, will perish.
In this world, nothing lasts forever. Except for the law of change, everything is subject to change. Consider it from your own vantage point. All the modifications have been visible to you. No matter how bad things got, you managed to pull through. Everyone has died. Even if there are issues right now, they will eventually go away. Because nothing is ever truly permanent. Both happiness and sadness are sides of the same coin. They are both going to die. In truth, who are you? Discover who you truly are. This is not your genuine self. Over time, it will evolve. But there's a part of you that won't alter. It won't change at all. For what reasons is that immutable? Your authentic self is all that it is.
You are merely an observer of transformation. Go through it, get a feel for it.
Sit quietly for ten to fifteen minutes every day. "This too will pass." Remind yourself of that. You will understand the genuine meaning of this statement after reflecting on your own life. Nothing changes about who you truly are; everything else fades away. Your authentic identity is that part of you. Knowing oneself is the ultimate kind of meditation.
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